How To Choose Salmon Fishing Poles?

If you’re new into the sport of fishing , you’re probably overwhelmed  by the number of  varieties when it comes to salmon fishing poles and rods. There are tons of different sized poles and rods available in the market. Each product comes with its features and uniqueness, giving you a different fishing experience. 

If you’re a beginner or don’t have much knowledge and are wondering how to choose salmon fishing poles, then this article is for you. In this article, we’ll get into the precise details of the things you should consider before setting yourself on a mission to buy the best salmon fishing pole for your fishing adventures. 

Types of Salmon Fishing Poles 

There are several different types of salmon fishing poles and rods:

Salmon Spinning Poles

Anglers mostly use the Salmon Spinning Poles. They are the best for beginners as they are very easy to cast if you use an appropriate reel with it. 

Salmon Bait Casting Poles

These are used most commonly by advanced, expert fishermen. A bait-casting pole along with a reel is a perfect combination. Although these poles get a lot of backlashes, overall, the reels in these are not quite bulky, and that adds up to these poles being very productive.

Salmon Trolling Poles

One of the most effective and efficient ways of fishing in saltwater and freshwater is through trolling, also known as mooching. Salmon trolling poles are built to be extremely sturdy because of the intense pressure and tension they undergo during the fishing sessions. 

Salmon Flying Fish Poles

If you’re willing to get your hands on those bigger salmons, you need a salmon flying fish pole. The ideal salmon flying fish pole is an 8-weight one because it’s a perfect balance. A 9 weight one can be a bit too much, whereas a 7 weight one can be too small to handle the big boy salmons. 

Salmon Saltwater Spinning Poles

Saltwater fishing grounds are tight fishing spots. There are large sport fish salmons and other entities that can cause problems for lighter poles. Therefore, these saltwater poles are built to be extremely durable and sturdy to survive the harsh saltwater conditions. 

Important Considerations 

With the different types aside, in this section, we’ll be looking at some of the many essential things that you should keep in mind when buying salmon fishing poles. At a glance, your considerations can include: 

  • fishing location
  • Your method of fishing
  • price range
  • The quality of the fishing pole or rod
  • How much comfort you’re expecting 

Moving on, now let’s break these things down into the actual technicalities of salmon fishing poles:

The Butt’s Length

It’s good to have at least 6 to 12 inches of pole behind the reel. These extra inches can give you a lot of support when you’re catching a massive fish. This will even allow you to use your stomach as a leverage point for increased force. Without that extra few inches, you won’t be able to balance it off on your stomach, and you’ll have to use your arms completely, which will tire your arms faster. 

Although an incredibly long butt can cause some discomfort because you’ll have to stretch out your arms, it comes down to the type of salmon fishing you’re doing. 

The Pole’s Weight

No matter what anyone says, having the lightest weighted rod or pole, is the best thing to do. If you’re boating down a river, you don’t need any extra weight because you’re already carrying too much equipment. Having that extra pole weight will contribute to tiring you out even faster.

When choosing salmon fishing poles, look for the perfect weight balance. You can do so by placing the pole or rod on your forefinger at a point where you usually hold it from, while fishing. 

If the pole balances perfectly, you’re good to go. If it doesn’t, then you should choose another fishing pole. 

The Type Of Fishing

The type of salmon fishing poles you buy also depends on the kind of fishing you’ll be doing. Short salmon fishing poles can give you a great and comfortable fishing experience if you’re fishing salmons like Coho or Steelhead. However, if you’re aiming for the big fish like Chinook, anything from size 8 to size 10 should be good enough. 

If you are fishing in saltwater, then you should go for mooching poles. These are somewhere around 10 feet or more, and they’re long enough not to let your line tangled up. If you are going on fishing adventures alone, you need to consider that catching fish with a long pole can be challenging. 

The longer your pole, the longer will be your line, and you’ll have to lift it way higher to get your catch near to the boat so you can throw a net. 

The Build Quality

Most of the salmon fishing poles and rods are made of either fiberglass or graphite. For extra durability and flexibility, some manufacturers even use both these materials in the construction. You can choose whatever one you like depending on how flexible you want and the price range you have. 

Most salmon fishing poles, however, are designed to be super influential in battling the fish. Salmon are known for their long bony jaws and the struggle they make people go through before they give up. So a strong and durable fishing pole is something you should keep into consideration. 


Fishing is an exciting adventure and a platform that has a lot of room for exploration. With the right equipment with you, you can have a lot of fun fishing. Moreover, you can also catch fishes, sell them, or devour them with your friends at the end of a long and tiring fishing trip. 

Either way, all of that is only possible if you’re able to choose the right type of fishing pole for yourself, and we hope that through this article, you’ll be able to get it. 

If you’re looking for the best salmon fishing poles then we recommend:

  1. Ugly Stik Shakespeare Elite Salmon/Steelhead Fishing Rod.
  2. Okuma Salmon Rod.



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