What Is Braided Fishing Line and Why Is it Used Today

What Is Braided Fishing Line and Why Is it Used Today

You may have learned about the different types of materials used to make fishing lines as well as the types of fishing lines that are used in fishing. One of the fishing lines that is used by amateurs and experts is the braided fishing line.

It sounds a little fancy but, believe it or not, these lines can be traced all the way back to 20th century Europe and probably even to civilizations way before our time. What is braided fishing line and why is it used?

There is not one definite answer to what is braided fishing line and why is it used. There are several reasons why braided fishing lines may be used instead of other fishing lines like the monofilament fishing lines.

When you hear the two terms, it is safe to assume that mono means that only one strand is used, while braided assumes that multiple strands were used in the making of the line.

This article is useful for anyone interested in switching to a braided fishing line over the monofilament fishing line. We will explore what the line is as well as the advantages and disadvantages of using it.

History of Braided Fishing Lines

It is uncertain when braided fishing lines were invented. In fact, some archaeologists believe that the lines were used long before it was made famous in Europe in the early 1900s.

In fact, it is believed that the first fishing lines were either plaited, twisted or braided to increase the strength of the lines. Braided fishing lines were known to be made of Dacron and then nylon.

However, before these materials became popular for the braided fishing line, horse hair was also used in Europe in the early days. These hairs were braided as individual strands were not strong.

Other materials that are famously used in making braided lines were cotton and linen. Soon, braided lines were replaced by synthetic materials when scientists began experimenting with different types of materials and there entered the popularity of monofilament fishing lines.

Initially, monofilament lines became well-known because braided lines were considered unsuitable for fishing, probably because of the visibility they posed.

What Braided Fishing Lines Are Made Of

Braided fishing lines today are made from a variety of materials. The most popular choice is nylon. Other synthetic blends may be used in conjunction with nylon as well as Dacron, a material which was used in the early days.

Some of the braids have polyethylene threads. Polyethylene is known as Spectra or Dyneema fibers. These fibers are light yet strong.

Braids are also known to be made from high-strength steel or even low carbon steel. These are also strong materials, but not necessarily lightweight.

What Affects The Performance of Braided Lines 

Braided lines can be affected by their smoothness, tightness, stiffness, knotting and their resistance to abrasion. A braided line that is well coated will be smoother than one that is not. If the weave is tight, it will determine how much stretch the line has.

In addition, the line should not be too stiff or too loose. An in-between level of stiffness here will be preferred. If you knot your own braided line, sometimes, they tend to be a bit difficult to do.

It is recommended that you follow the instructions of the manufacturer for this task. Both the fibers and coating will determine how resistant the line is to abrasions.

Advantages of Braided Fishing Lines

There are several advantages of using a braided fishing line.

  • They can be cast farther into the water than monofilament lines, and they last longer because the salt and sun damage does not break them down.
  • The braided line does not have much stretch. While you may think of this as a disadvantage, these little stretches make it easier for the novice fisherman or anyone to detect a bite.
  • Reels using braided lines have a high capacity. The line is both wind- and current-resistant and has a low diameter of its breaking strain. The line is actually much easier to use than the monofilament fishing line.
  • There is no need to worry about abrasions reducing the lifespan of your fishing line. These lines are abrasion resistant, and once you can knot them properly, their knot strength is superior.

Disadvantages of Braided Fishing Lines 

There are also disadvantages of using a braided fishing line that you should not ignore.

  • Braided lines are not suitable for trolling as they have a low stretch line. If you want to troll, maybe you should consider a different line as you need something less aggressive for fighting fish
  • Braided lines are really visible in the water. That is why most fisherfolks prefer to use the monofilament lines over the braided lines because they tend to be less visible. Some fisherfolk know this, but they still prefer to use these lines anyway. They may attach another type of line to the end to reduce the line’s visibility.
  • If you are a novice, it is hard to knot these lines properly. These lines lack stretch, flexibility and have a slippery surface, so knotting them can be really annoying. The knots require a lot of patience and care when tying, and several persons have recommended the best knots to use on these lines
  • These lines are more expensive than monofilament lines. The process to make these lines is an intricate and complicated one and the material is expensive. All these factors contribute to the cost which is past down to the consumer.

Answering What is Braided Fishing Line: Conclusion

It is safe to assume that a lot goes into a braided fishing line. It is not a simple fishing line for the manufacturers or even for the fisherfolk who will use it.

It is complicated to make and to use. You would think that something that is hard to use will be cheap, right?

Nonetheless, the line has its unique selling points that make it attractive to enthusiasts. If you do decide to invest in a braided fishing line, you should give it careful consideration as it is expensive and hard to knot. You can, however, ask a fisherman to help you create a knot.

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