How to Tie Fishing Line Together: A Guide to Create Some of the Top Knots

Very few are aware that the way you tie a fishing line makes a huge difference in the bigger picture. The knots are often said to be the uncredited heroes when it comes to fishing. No amount of the way you fish, which lake you go to and all the possible secret tactics will work unless you have a strong knot. Most of us are used to tying knots for fishing in one particular method. However, there are several of them and not only will we list the top ones but also talk about how to tie fishing line together.
So, how do you know which is the best knot for fishing? It goes without saying that it is indeed quite difficult to decide which one will help you catch more fish. There are countless numbers of knots that you can opt for which will serve its purpose well when you spend your day on the water, though some are substantially better. Not only are these relatively easier to tie but they also work well in the water.
In order to make things easy for you and decide which one would serve you the best, we will be listing some of the top kinds of fishing knots along with a brief guide so that you get it right on the very first try.
How to Tie Fishing Line Together: The Top Knots
The Palomar Knot
If you want to join the super lines to the lures or leader, then this knot has a couple of equals. This knot is a highly recommended knot for fishing lines like the Berkley FireLine. Additionally, this also works great with the fluorocarbon fishing lines. This knot is quite easy to tie, and yet, it is strong. The Palomar knot will resist slipping and has the ability to retain 100% of the fishing line’s strength in the Berkley Knot Wars testing.
How to Tie the Palomar Knot:
- From the main line, take about six inches and double it. Run this through the eye of the hook.
- Around the doubled line, make an overhand knot by doubling the loop back. This will leave a large enough loop for you to pass the lure or the hook through.
- Now you will need to pull the entire loop down. Spin it around all of the hook or the lure.
- Lastly, you will need to moisten this well and draw it tightly by taking both the ends of the line and pulling it together.
The Berkley Braid Knot
The Berkley Braid Knot is created by Berkley specifically to be used with super lines that are braided. Overall, this knot is a brilliant choice; it works phenomenally well with fluorocarbon and monofilament fishing lines. In the Knot Wars Championship, this particular knot stood first, beating solid contenders such as the Triple Loop Knot and the Fish-n-Fool. The Berkley Braid Knot may only have few weaknesses if anything at all.
How to Tie the Berkley Braid Knot:
- Take the main line and double it.
- Insert this into the eye of the hook and then back it up to the main line.
- Starting from the top and making your way down, you will need to make about eight wraps on both lines.
- Through the gap, thread the loop between the last wrap and the eye of the hook.
- Moisten it and tighten the whole thing by pulling the main line, loop and the tag end.
- Trim any excess loop and tag end.
The Uni to Uni Knot
If you need a standout in order to join lines of similar diameters, then the Uni to Uni Knot is a fantastic choice as it can add a monofilament or a fluorocarbon leader to the super line mainline. The combination of these couples the low visibility and the easy casting properties of the fluorocarbon along with the fantastic sensitivity and the super line’s pulling power.
This knot is capable of preserving up to 90% of the line’s strength and is perhaps a far stronger connection too than the Blood Knot or the Surgeon Knot. Although, do note that if you need to join lines that have extremely different diameters, then the next best pick would be the Albright Knot.
How to Tie the Uni to Uni Knot:
- Take the end of the leader material and overlap it at about six inches of the mainline.
- To form a loop, you will need to bring in the tag end of the main line, right towards the middle.
- Take the same tag end and make about six to eight turns inside the loop and then tighten it by tugging on to the tag end.
- Repeat the 2nd and the 3rd step with the leader material.
- Lastly, moisten it and pull the standing lines in opposite directions. This will bring the knots together.
The Trilene Knot
The Trilene Knot is considered to be an enhanced version of the Improved Clinch Knot. This was created by Berkley to be used specifically for monofilament lines. This knot excels in joining lures, leaders, and swivels to fluorocarbon and mono. It does take a while to master the art of Trilene Knot, but it soon becomes second nature. This knot is especially easy when you need to tie it with lighter pound tests.
How to Tie the Trilene Knot
- Take the tag end of the line and run it through the eye of the took twice to form a small loop.
- Between the thumb and your forefinger, you will need to pinch the loop in order to hold it in place.
- Wrap the line’s tag end around the standing line.
- Do this a minimum of five times and then pass it on to the end back through the loops.
- Draw it all very right after moistening it thoroughly.
We hope this article gives you enough insight on how to tie fishing line together. The ones we have mentioned in this article are considered to be some of the top rated knots for fishing lines. These have proved to work quite successfully for people who love to fish. It may definitely take a while for you to get the hang of these. However, after a certain of practice, you will master them and be able to catch fish with absolute ease.