KastKing Superpower Braided Fishing Line Review

For everyone who loves going outdoors and fish is in for a treat with this new product KastKing Superpower Braided Fishing Line.
Usually, there are many problems faced by everyone who wants to spend some time outdoors and fish. The fishing line usually breaks and fades or isn’t sensitive to the catch. KastKing is the product to cater all these problems.
KastKing Superpower Braided Fishing Line has to offer many exciting features:
Casting distance
The product is designed to offer better casting distance to increase your catch ratio.
The material is carefully chosen to ensure durability, so you don’t have to worry about break-offs while fishing.
Strength testing
The strength of the fishing line has test strength ranging from 10-15 lbs.
Fade resistant colors
The fishing line is available in fade resistant colors of grey, green, multicolor, blue, white, pink and yellow, so you can choose according to whatever pleases your aesthetic sense.
4 strand line
The four strand line has a tensile strength of 65 lb to 150 lb which is better and stronger than any other brand available in the market.
8 strand line
The eight strand line has better casting distance and more strength than any other products available.
Affordable prices
The product although is better than the rest in the market but is it more expensive? No! Absolutely not. It is available at the most affordable prices of $14.98 – $72.58.
Might of the fishing line
Having a solid knot is important to fishing and some products make it more difficult to tie one. The braided lines of the product give it enough strength to tie the knot. It also helps you tie a clinch knot.
The product has been given a proprietary treatment designed for the best which allows it to zip through the water and get right at the target. The product has not been wax coated, but it is very supple.
Lesser wind knots
The product is designed to ensure lesser wind knots and farther casts so that you can get a better catch.
Revolutional high sensitivity
The high sensitivity of the product can help you attain a better catch ratio. KastKing Superpower Braided Fishing Line also ensures to top notch hook settings and the stretchability of the fish is minimal.
The other brands available in the market have a diameter which doesn’t let you spool enough fishing line. This product offers a smaller diameter which helps anyone who wants to fish overcome the problem, making it easier for everyone to fish.
Lesser fading
Every fishing line fades after some time, but this product doesn’t fade for over a year.
Award-winning brand
The quality of the product is guaranteed since it’s an award winning brand. kastKing Superpower Fishing Braided Line won ICAST Best of Show Award Winning Brand.
#1 in Sports and Outdoors
The product is very popular among people who love to fish, on the Amazon best seller ranking the product is ranked no 1 in the sports and the outdoor category.
Great customer reviews
Another achievement of the product is that it has great rating has numerous positive reviews, so if you are thinking of buying this online you need not worry about the quality.
Smooth casting
The smooth casting of the product is guaranteed and is better than any other brand.
Half price
Compared to other brands, this product has higher quality standard and is half the price so no need to worry about spending a lot and emptying your pockets on other brands.
Does not fray
According to a large number of reviews of customers, they have used the product for over a year now, and it did not fray. So, the claim of the product that it does not fray is validated but none other than the happy customers of the product.
Strong enough to cut the kelp
If you are worried about your fishing line being caught up in the kelp, no need to worry since according to customers’ review the fishing line is strong enough to cut kelp, so you can now fish with ease without worrying about the kelp.
The only con of the product is that it some black stuff came off the line but it was washable, and it happened only once.
The KastKing Superpower Braided Fishing Line offers greater casting distance, ultra-strength, an easier to spool fishing line, easier to tie knots, durability, smooth casting and sensitivity; and to add to the perks of buying this product all this comes in half of the price of all other brands available in the market.
The only con mentioned is also merely an observation because it doesn’t really affect the working or look of the fishing line.
All in all, it is a great investment for everyone who wants to fish since the product offers everything is a very economical price.