How Is Fishing Line Rated: A Simple Overview Of The Methods Used

A fishing line is a tool that is used in connecting the lure or bait to the fisher’s fishing rod and reel. It is the one that is being thrown or cast in the body of water, as well as the one being pulled up, called reeling when a fish bites the bait.
Thus, it is the one mainly responsible for ensuring that the fishing experience is successful. It is then imperative to always consider the specifications of the fishing line.
Fishing lines come in different kinds based on the material used in manufacturing them. They can either be made with nylon, carbon fiber, or a mixed of materials. They can also be categorized based on how they were manufactured.
The two most common types of fishing line are the monofilament and multifilament fishing lines. The monofilament or mono is the one that only contains one strand of thread or fiber.
The multifilament fishing line, in contrast, is the type wherein two or more strands of fiber or thread are intertwined or braided together.
The types of fishing line do not just differ on the material and design used. They also vary in performance, usage, and durability. The choice of what type of fishing line to use is always the preference of the fisher or angler.
Nevertheless, no matter what type of fishing line is used, all of them has been tested and rated by the manufacturers before it is released for selling. The ratings are usually placed or written on the product’s case.
Such is done to give fishers a guide on what to use for their specific fishing adventure. Thus, it is very important that they understand the rating labels on the product.
What makes choosing the fishing line difficult for some fishers, especially beginners, is that there are a lot of ratings and numbers on the label. For a better understanding and proper guidance, it is important to know how is fishing line rated, as well as what each type of rating is for.
Line Weight or Breaking Strength Rating:
As an overview, each brand and type of fishing rod can only carry a certain fishing line weight. Meaning, if the fishing line’s weight exceeds the capacity of the fishing rod, the fishing rod may snap or break.
Using heavier fishing line weights than recommended can also result to gear and reel stripping. Also, the casting range will also be short. Thus, the fishing line weight should closely match the fishing rod’s capacity.
Fishing line weight or breaking strength rating does not only help the fishers determine the right fishing rod where it is intended to be used. It also helps determine the maximum capacity of the line when it comes to the weight of the fish that it can carry and pull.
Through such, the type of fish that the line is capable of successfully catching is determined. The line weight measurement uses the unit kilograms or pounds.
However, most manufacturers use the pounds measurement. Thus, the method of determining the fishing line weight rating is called the pound test.
As a means on how the fishing line rated, the pound test is a very direct method. What manufacturers do is that the line is exposed to certain levels of pressure.
The highest level at which the line does not break is considered as the line weight rating. With such in regard, it is also commonly called as the breaking strength rating.
Thus, if a fisher uses a fishing line that has a breaking strength rating of 30-pound test, it is expected that it will not break when a fish of the same weight is caught.
Fly Fishing Line Rating:
The most common type of fishing activity that people get involved in is bait fishing, which was discussed above. A special type of fishing called fly fishing is also popular in Great Britain and North America.
It is a type of fishing activity wherein the bait is replaced with an artificial fly. With this type of fishing, however, the breaking strength rating may not be useful in determining the type and weight of fish that can be caught, without the line snapping.
Fly fishing line rating, as similar to the bait fishing line breaking strength rating, is also used to help fishers determine the type of fish the line can be used for. It is also a very simple method.
What manufacturers do is weigh the fly fishing line and compare it to the standard weights of the different types of fish. It is measured using the unit grains. However, on the line label, the units are not imprinted. They simply contain the number range rating.
As an example, if a product is labeled as “Fly Line Weight 1-3”, it means that it is only intended for small fishes like a small trout and panfish.
The Polyethylene or PE Rating
The polyethylene or PE rating is also one of the means on how is fishing line rated. However, this type of rating method is only used for braided fishing lines. That is because they are the ones that are made with ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene fiber.
Also, as different from the two mentioned methods, the PE rating is used to measure the fishing line’s diameter and not its strength or weight.
The PE rating is based on the “gouw” system, a traditional silk thread numbering system in Japan. The measurement range, which is from thinner to thickest, is from PE 0.6 to PE 14.
Nevertheless, it can also be used to approximate the strength capacity of the line. To attain such, the fisher can simply multiply the PE rating by ten. Thus, if a line has a PE rating of one, then, it can approximately carry a ten-pound fish without breaking.
Final Thoughts About Methods on How Is Fishing Line Rated
Every fisher or angler knows the real importance of knowing the different meanings of fishing line ratings. That is because ratings help them determine what line to use in fresh and saltwater fishing adventures.
Likewise, ratings will also help them determine if the line is safe to be used for their fishing rod.
As to how is fishing line rated, the breaking strength rating, which uses the unit pounds, is used to indicate the maximum weight of fish that can be carried during bait fishing. The fly fishing line rating, on the other hand, is a rating method for fly fishing adventures.
Lastly, the PE rating is used to determine the diameter and approximate the strength of braided fishing lines.